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Image by Piotr Chrobot

Connecting Everyone To Local Businesses 

One Stop Supply Chain Provider. A Complete Solution Through Collaboration and Transparency

Bawa Indonesia Global is a technology company that empower business owners' full supply chain process through the power of network and process optimization in order to create sustainable and scalable business

Image by John Lockwood

We Change the Way Local Businesses Thinks About Collaboration With Technology

We use technology to connect and grow ecosystems for local businesses

SMEs Commerce

We boost Local Partners through Penta Helix Collaboration

The Supply Chain Enablers

We work together to create supply chain efficiencies to improve products, services, logistics and distributions

Supply Chain Market Place

We connect local business with other business enthusiast to improve and scale up local business

Coming Soon
Image by Redd

We Build Local Business Community

We revolutionized their market, branding, and logistics to reach different markets on the different time zone. 


We Connect
With Trust

To connect local businesses with the world, we believe that transparency in every process is crucial. As the world shrinks and timeless transactions become more common, every stakeholders has to have the necessary knowledge to make correct snap decision at any time, any place

Light Bulb

We Improve Local Business

We believe that by working together, the whole business community will transform  and reach a new standards. The ripple effects on creating, managing, enabling, and growing local business will increase exponentially and further better the economy as a whole


We’re looking for innovative talent to join our team. See all positions and submit your CV.

Local Business Engagement Officer


Local Business Engagement Officer will personally connect, engage, and enhance with local business owner in order to improve their sustainability

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About Us


RA Kartini 16


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